Pullman Student Technology Fee Funding Open for Requests
Student Technology Fees are charged for the purpose of providing technology resources for general student use at Washington State University. The “technology fee” is a fee charged to undergraduate students to recover, in whole or in part, the costs of providing and maintaining services to students that include but need not be limited to: Access to the internet, multimedia workstations and laboratories, and computer software.
Interested groups may request funding from the student led Technology Fee committee. The request documents are linked below and Technology Fee Committee Guidelines and governing RCW can be found at: http://budget.wsu.edu/technology-fee/index.html
All application materials are due to Emily Green (ewgreen@wsu.edu) no later than Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021, at 5pm.
Technology Fee Hearings will be conducted March 8th and 9th from 4:30pm-8:00pm via Zoom followed by deliberations on Thursday March 11th, 4:30-UTC via Zoom. The public is welcome to attend all meetings, hearings, and deliberations.
For questions contact Emily Green at ewgreen@wsu.edu or 335-9681.
FY22 Student Technology Fee Request Documents
To request funds the following documents must be submitted by March 3rd, 2021:
FY 22 Student Technology Fee Request Cover Form
FY 22 Student Technology Request Spreadsheet
Hearings will be conducted the week of March 8th via Zoom.