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2019-2020 Services and Activities Fee Allocations WSU Pullman

The WSU Pullman Services and Activities (S&A) Fees Committee met on March 28, 2012 to discuss and recommend budget allocations for Summer 2012 and Academic Year 2012-2013, following established guidelines. The recommendations, presented to President Elson S. Floyd on April 5, 2012, were approved by the WSU Board of Regents at their May 4, 2012 meeting.

The allocations to campus groups, considered expenditures of the committee, are outlined in the table below.

GroupSummer                Academic              Facility Projects
Health Advocates-$       59,977-
Student Publications/Evergreen-$       99,000-
WSU Well Being Program$    26,875$     165,900$        9,300
University Recreation$  130,007$     930,425-
Cougar Leadership Programs$    29,720$     175,825-
Student Involvement$    66,554$     475,000-
ASWSU - Administration/Executives-$     193,507-
ASWSU - Senate-$     100,100-
ASWSU - Committee Programming$      2,900$     253,609-
Student Entertainment Board$    28,864$     442,376-
Disability Awareness Association-$       39,370-
Center for Civic Engagement$    52,166$     189,646-
Marching Band$      6,000$     103,800-
Compton Union$  199,097$  1,196,161-
Children's Center$  150,433$     208,926-
KUGR-$         6,026-
Multicultural Student Services-$       20,000-
Athletics$    70,000$     900,849-
Transit-$     482,467-
Cable 8 Productions-$       38,000$    360,366
Coalition for Women-$     139,039$      17,580
GPSA$    27,400$     398,393-
LandEscapes-$       15,000-
Long Term Debt Payment--$  1,460,060
TOTAL$ 790,016 $ 6,633,396$1,847,30