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2024-2025 Student Technology Fee Allocations WSU Pullman

The WSU Pullman Student Technology Fee Committee met on January 24,2024 to discuss and recommend budget allocations for academic year 2024-2025, following established guidelines.  The recommendations were approved by a majority vote of the ASWSU-Pullman Senate, presented to President Kirk Schulz on February 16, 2024, and approved by the WSU Board of Regents at their meeting on March 8, 2024.

The allocations to campus groups are outlined in the table below.

Project Sponsor Request Title Approved Amount
Academic Outreach and Innovation The Spark$19,618
Academic Success and Career Center ASCC Virtual Career Tools$12,948
CAS Department of Art $92,179
CAS DTC$79,026
Center for Civic Engagement Community Engagement System$8,000
CougPrints Student Printing Plan $140,000
CUBCUB Charging Station Replacement $15,493
UREC AED Replacement -
URECEsports Lounge $16,600
UREC Radio Upgrade -
VCEA HAM Radio Club-
VCEA High Tech and Graphic and Capable Work Stations $12,000
VCEA 3D Printing Capabilities $2,354
VCEA Crimson Robotics -
VCEA Electronic Access for Engineering Students -
VCEA Expanding Tech in the FIZ $54,700
VCEA Palouse Aerospace $3,680
VCEA Robosub$750
VCEA Trimble Robotic Arm-
VCEA Upgrade Formula SAE Shop-
WSU Libraries Collaborative Tech for Study Rooms $23,023
Total $511,561